
  • Parishioners must be registered AND active for at least 6 months at the Church prior to the request
  • The Godparents must be practising Catholics who are confirmed and no younger than 16 years of age (one person may be a baptized Christian in another Christian denomination, but then is only a witness to the baptism);
  • They must take part in our Baptismal Preparation.
  • Baptisms take place on the 3rd Saturday of the month in the mornings
  • If you are planning a baptism you must first call the office and fill out the appropriate form.
  • Depending upon the circumstances you may need to speak with the Pastor.
​Active parishioners are understood to be those who, first and foremost, attend Sunday Eucharist on a weekly basis. Of course, it is understood that illness, work schedules, sick children, etc. may sometimes prevent a person from attending Eucharist, however excluding oneself from Sunday Mass attendance should not be the norm. A contributing parishioner also, so much as is feasible, gives of their time and talent in a ministry: usher, parking attendant, reader, catechist, member of the decorating committee, etc. An active parishioner also financially supports their parish and doesn’t leave it to others. This is one of the six commandments of the Church, as is Sunday Mass attendance, which is also one of the Ten Commandments.