
Who can be married?
A man and a woman who are considering being married at St. Anthony of Padua Parish must be registered parishioners.  They need to be registered for at least one year prior to their anticipated wedding date.  They also need to be financially contributing to the parish by way of envelope or automatic debit.  All couples contemplating a marriage at St. Anthony’s Parish need to fulfill their Sunday privilege by attending Mass either at the Saturday Vigil Mass or at one of the two Sunday Masses.  A marriage preparation session is required by all couples planning to marry in any Roman Catholic parish within the Archdiocese of Winnipeg.  We want to assist in forming strong, Christian marriages that are based on a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and His bride the Church.  For more information, speak with the pastor.
Who can be married in this parish?
Couples who live in another community, province or country and who wish to be married at St. Anthony’s must first contact their own parish priest where they presently reside.  He will be responsible for all necessary documentation and preparations for marriage; only then, upon the recommendation of the parish priest, can a date be arranged with St. Anthony’s Parish.
What if I have been married before?
Catholic Church law prevents us from arranging dates for weddings of people who are not free to marry until the marital situation of each party (whether Catholic or not) has been clarified. Please discuss your situation with the Pastor.
How do I “book” a wedding?
When the couple is ready to arrange a date for marriage, the bride or groom is asked to personally contact our parish office to arrange an appointment with the pastor. Our parish staff will not discuss the availability of dates by telephone or email.  Parish staff will not discuss wedding details with anyone except the couple.
Both bride and groom are expected to attend all appointments and marriage preparation sessions.
Both bride and groom should bring a sense of openness and a spirit of co-operation to the first session and to all the various aspects of marriage preparation. We are here to help and guide you as you prepare for this most important day and relationship in your life.
Marriage Preparation
Couples are asked to participate in marriage preparation to assist them in discerning their mutual call to the vocation of marriage. These classes are held here at the Church 4 times a year and take place on a Friday evening/all day Saturday. Couples can register for the classes at the parish office.
The period of marriage preparation is a very important time for both bride and groom. It is a time for growth in your mutual love and in your faith and commitment in Jesus Christ. For Catholics, this period should be marked by more regular attendance at Sunday Eucharist, and the celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation.