Leisure Club
Due to COVID-10 Leisure Club gatherings have been cancelled until further notice
In the Spring of 1991, following daily Mass, a small group of parishioners gathered to discuss the possibility of forming a Seniors Club in the parish. With strong dedication and persistence, a meeting was held on May 2, 1991 and there began the formation of the Club to be known as “St. Anthony’s Leisure Club” The affairs of the Club were to be administered by a Board of Directors consisting of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Six Members at Large. With the assistance from the Parish, CWL, and a grant from the New Horizons Program on March 31, 1992, a number of purchases were made, namely, carpet bowling equipment, board games, crafts and kitchen utensils. A program of crafts was initiated and through the dedication and hard work of the members, the Club grew and prospered. During the past 14 ½ years, many group trips have been made. Other activities include luncheons and dinner outings for all occasions. Anyone 55 and older may join the Leisure Club. They meet every Wednesday afternoon at 1:00pm in the Church Hall for fellowship, games, conversation and coffee.